Easy Jabber

A mobile covid vaccination strategy using mobile vans powered by real time logistics data and modular decision making framework. Ordinary people can get easy access to their covid vaccine with just a simple register

How It Works?


Register with your details to our application

Give Location Preference

Give your prefered center on where you want to get vaccinated

Wait untill you get notification

The government will set the dates and center so waituntill you get the notification for the vaccination

Track mobile Vaccination Van in Map

For transpirancy we have set tracking device with mobile Vaccination Van which can track via Map so the user can have a haste free response for vaccination

Get Vaccinated

The most important part of our mission #VaccinationForAll


Contact Us


Main Campus (Kolkata) HEAD OFFICE (College Street Campus) : 90/6A, Mahatma Gandhi Road, 1st Floor; Kolkata - 700 007 Rashbehari Branch Office : 162, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Rashbehari Avenue (Ground Floor), Kolkata - 700 026

Helpline: 1800 1800 18000

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